Sunday, 20 July 2014

Spelling battleships

This is a nice game to play in pairs. It's just like battleships except you use spelling words.
Each player chooses five different words to put on a word list. They keep the words secret from each other. 
Players then put their five words into their own grid. They can be any direction but backwards and can't overlap. The children then take turns calling out coordinates, such as A3 for example. If they call out a coordinate that has a letter in the box then the opponent must reveal that letter and say "hit". The child then writes down this letter in the coordinate of the partners word grid. If the coordinate called out is empty then the partner must say "miss" and the child colours in the box.
Players take it in turn calling out coordinates until they can take a guess at what the partners words are. If guessed correctly the word is "sunk". Once all words are sunk then you have a winner!

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