Sunday, 25 May 2014

Leaving Notes For Class Teacher

When I had my own class, I wanted to hear about everything that went on in my absence. While I wasn't  looking to read a novel upon my return, a paragraph or so letting me know what happened was nice. I want to know if my kids did a good job because it makes me feel really proud of them and I can lavish them with praise upon my return. I also want to know which students were challenging for the relieving  because I may need to sort that out.

Its also imperative to be careful with attendance records, i.e. letting teachers know who was late or absent. Schools legally need to maintain accurate records, so not making note of these sorts of things is really bad.

Above everything, teachers want to leave their class to a relief teacher who cares about their students and their classroom. I always loved hearing my students tell me that the relief teacher chatted with them, got to know them, and asked how I usually handled certain things if they weren't sure about the procedure.

Now as a casual I leave a little note in this format I whiz up in word- it's really easy and looks lovely all printed.

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