Saturday, 12 April 2014

Times table relay

Sometimes you have a class that are just bounding with bulk energy. Sadly, it looks terrible if you just take them out to do sport for the main part of the day so you need to tick two boxes at once..
I've paired up running races with timetables to do just that.

All you need to do is divide your class into 4 teams and if they already have maths groups in the class- perfect! 

You need a sheet with about 30 timetable questions for each group to be put on a clipboard, little table or chair about 25m from where they line up. Kids run up one at a time and answer any question they like on the sheet, run back to their team and the next child in line has a go and so on until all questions are answered. 

This activity can be extended into just about another subject too. If you've a closed question sheet, you've got an opportunity to do this. 

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