I love to be a bit silly with the classes I teach.
Last week I had a lovely little Year 3 class with no work left for them and I was called in last minute so had zero time to prepare. I could have got them to do something in a textbook or shown a sight word clip to them to buy some time but I felt like taking some risks with "winging it".
I looked at one of the kids bright pink shoes and said "Wow! Look at those. Can I try them on?" Obviously, they couldn't possibly fit (which the kids immediately told me). As the strange looks and giggles passed about I told them they have one minute to convince me why. They told me my feet were too big. Why were my feet big? What makes feet big? Eventually the conversation steered into the relationship between foot size and height. We went off, ordered ourselves according to height, measured our height and measured our feet. When we worked out the common factors, we went to our books and wrote up our little experiment.
Science, Maths, English and PSED all in one lesson and just to fill in a few more minutes we wrote a cinquian poem about feet.